Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Pre-poetry micro-challenge: Day 8 - Indulging

I'm not going to buy them, but looking at them makes me happy. Maybe more than owning them, in this particular case, given the inches on these things
On some old self-indulgent schizz. Purple satin MJ too-high heels... Boudoirs, corsets, courtesans, sex and class. Martinis and white wine, the outer beauty, pain for pleasure. Mary Jane, the consumate little girl, shoes engineered to give a shine and smoothness to the angular ash of the human foot -- fit for work and play. What kind of work, these, is another question. What kind of play. Sultry shady sensual sleek. Bustles and proffered arms. Tipped hats and fascinator bonnets and pin curls.
On some old self-indulgent schizz. Purple satin MJ too-high heels... Boudoirs, corsets, courtesans, sex and class. Martinis and white wine, the outer beauty, pain for pleasure. Mary Jane, the consummate little girl, shoes engineered to give a shine and smoothness to the angular ash of the human foot -- fit for work and play. What kind of work, these, is another question. What kind of play. Sultry shady sensual sleek. Bustles and proffered arms. Tipped hats and fascinator bonnets and pin curls.
In other news, I've successfully made it through the first week of the micro-challenge. Hooray!

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