Sunday, May 22, 2011

The pool of Narcissus

Inspired by a tweet in the Twitter feed #50thingsihate, this one relates an experience I often have on the bus or the subway -- a sense of irritation when people display sour and disapproving reactions to another patron's awkwardness or oblviousness, followed by the guilty prickle of irony.

Fed up with these pious egotists – all disapproval whenever someone steps out of line. Who are you to judge? I shake my head. The temerity. 

Sunday, May 15, 2011


Here it is, my first twitterable story. The hardest part was, predictably, getting it down from very short through even shorter to very very short. It's no six words, but for now, it's short enough for me. I'd love your feedback.

As our eyes meet I know – I'd do anything for you. At her scream, your face crumples. I lay you back in your pram, and I return to browsing.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Turns out I'm not the only one

I've heard that anything you can think of to search for on the web, no matter how eccentric or obscure, either can already be found there, or is retroactively coming into existence by the act of searching for it.

Aptly timed for me, an interesting article, including examples and names of actual feeds, about Twitter being used for very short fiction:

So it's totally doable. I just need to start actually using Twitter, and get more comfortable with the habits. Working on it.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

A city in pictures

Nonsense and I went on a walk today along the Kay Gardiner Belt Line in Toronto with a group of friends new and newer. I love exploring havens of greenery in the city, and I also love taking pretty pictures of beautiful details. It was a long, full day, but here's just a fraction of what I saw and admired in it...

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Turn and turn about (or: I can do better, but choose not to)

Okay, so here is this week's instalment.

Before I paste the text here, I have to say, I'm not satisfied with this, not by a long (long, long) shot. I had an idea (annoying bits of songs that repeat in my head without continuing on or stopping when done -- with  format mimicking content, such as rondo or mirror or readable-back-to-front), and I wanted to experiment with it, and I know that if I took more time with it I could come up with something better, though possibly with only very superficial resemblance to this.

However, I also want to make sure I set some limits for myself with this whole mini-creative process. The object is not to create something perfect or even satisfactory. The object is to create something. Frequently and with a measure of regularity and hopefully some small interest value. Anyway, with all that preamble, you should now be just dying to read on.