Friday, August 31, 2012

Pre-poetry micro-challenge: Day 10 - 2 for the price of one

Longing for my bed. This is how it makes me feel -- glorious, decadent, shiny, like nothing will ever be this perfect. Who wouldn't want to be here. Bright and cosy, comfy, sensuous. Fabric hugging me, loving me like a cloud, heavenly, angels watching over me. In here is the life I live right now, the feelings I know I love. Out there is cold and shady, who knows. While I'm in my bed, I am queen of my domain. Think I will stay there for the day.Thanks blooming, unfurling, hanging like leaves, like prayers whispering, twisting in the crisp autumn wind, spinning out and up and around and down to the ground. Gathering, drifting in corners and across the lawn to be raked up and leapt into, piles of fluffy, crunchy comfort. Appreciations, given with each morning, each evening, each meal, each kiss, each blessing, each gift. Hang them high with hope and praise, for the wage of gratitude is grace.Yesterday was crunchy, and I didn't get to pre-poetry writing, so this morning, I've done two to make up for it. Still experimenting with the best times for stuff with school starting. I'm not quite in a routine yet, but I figure I can still keep up with my habit-building goodness.  

 The first one is clearly about how much I wish I were still in my bed. I chose it because it's pretty and cathartic! Number two is an image that just caught my eye for colour and composition, and then the idea was also cute. Might use in class and, eventually, maybe at home too.

Longing for my bed. This is how it makes me feel -- glorious, decadent, shiny, like nothing will ever be this perfect. Who wouldn't want to be here. Bright and cosy, comfy, sensuous. Fabric hugging me, loving me like a cloud, heavenly, angels watching over me. In here is the life I live right now, the feelings I know I love. Out there is cold and shady, who knows. While I'm in my bed, I am queen of my domain. Think I will stay there for the day.
Longing for my bed. This is how it makes me feel -- glorious, decadent, shiny, like nothing will ever be this perfect. Who wouldn't want to be here. Bright and cosy, comfy, sensuous. Fabric hugging me, loving me like a cloud, heavenly, angels watching over me. In here is the life I live right now, the feelings I know I love. Out there is cold and shady, who knows. While I'm in my bed, I am queen of my domain. Think I will stay there for the day.

Thanks blooming, unfurling, hanging like leaves, like prayers whispering, twisting in the crisp autumn wind, spinning out and up and around and down to the ground. Gathering, drifting in corners and across the lawn to be raked up and leapt into, piles of fluffy, crunchy comfort. Appreciations, given with each morning, each evening, each meal, each kiss, each blessing, each gift. Hang them high with hope and praise, for the wage of gratitude is grace.
Thanks blooming, unfurling, hanging like leaves, like prayers whispering, twisting in the crisp autumn wind, spinning out and up and around and down to the ground. Gathering, drifting in corners and across the lawn to be raked up and leapt into, piles of fluffy, crunchy comfort. Appreciations, given with each morning, each evening, each meal, each kiss, each blessing, each gift. Hang them high with hope and praise, for the wage of gratitude is grace.

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