Saturday, May 14, 2011

Turns out I'm not the only one

I've heard that anything you can think of to search for on the web, no matter how eccentric or obscure, either can already be found there, or is retroactively coming into existence by the act of searching for it.

Aptly timed for me, an interesting article, including examples and names of actual feeds, about Twitter being used for very short fiction:

So it's totally doable. I just need to start actually using Twitter, and get more comfortable with the habits. Working on it.


  1. Very cool. I must say, I'm very intrigued by this idea. I've been trying to use my story cubes, but finding it difficult to incorporate all nine dice into anything cohesive or pithy. Maybe i need to roll them and just pick three, or pick three at random and roll them. But I definitely want to steal your idea.

  2. Yay!! Use Twitter!! You can join our weird and crazy conversations about everything!!

  3. @Lizard Lass I think rolling all and picking just 3 is a good idea, or even rolling and then picking whatever ones inspire an idea, if an idea comes to you. Look forward to reading them if you end up posting...

    @Anya looking forward to it :P I miss those convos!
