Sunday, October 2, 2011

Foxit: A PDF reader that's less "librarian", more "university bookstore"

I was having some issues with books. I needed a way to access my important reference documents from anywhere without having to wheel a carry-on to and from work each day. PDF you say? Sure! Sadly Adobe Reader treated my PDF files like library books -- worse, like library books on CD-ROM. No marking up, no highlighting, I couldn't even use a bookmark! I need to be able to refer to these docs quickly and efficiently, without wasting time leafing through each time I open one. As people discovered prior to the updated iterations of most e-readers, if you can't make notes or mark one or more places, electronic files can be worse than useless. Getting Adobe Acrobat at $150 was, of course, out of the question, as I hadn't been paid in nearly three months (no longer the case -- woohoo)! Enter Foxit, an excellent all-round solution.